Just a few of our favorite pics.
The Pickle Creek Farm Photo Album

Just a few of our favorite pics.
Maybe you eat salad because it’s healthy, because you grow greens in your garden, because you feel like having a light lunch, because it’s 100 degrees out and warm food […]
Random Acts of Kindness Day caught my fancy because it reminded me of my mother. During the years I was undergoing steroid eye injections, my mother would often take me […]
Garlic (Allium sativum) is a species in the Amaryllidaceae family of plants. It is closely related to onions, shallots, leeks, and chives. A native of Central Asia and northeastern Iran, […]
Chives and Garlic Chives are some of the easiest herbs to grow. You can grow them in pots or in the ground, in the sun or in the shade. They […]
Let’s delve into some botany. You may have noticed in our photo, our habanero seedlings have wide, round leaves that differ from the more elongated, pointy leaves of bell peppers […]
Pure, simple flavors sometimes make for the most epic eats and stunning plates. This Mediterranean salad plate embodies the elegant and beautifully simple. And it’s also the kind of dish […]
If you’ve ever sampled a pasta salad at a Pickle Creek tasting, then you’ve tried this dish. Maybe you’re even one of the many people asking for the Pickle Creek […]
One of the great benefits of having a garden is that it teaches you to eat by the season, which allows you to enjoy each kind of vegeatble fresh off […]
I read somewhere that the difference between a cook and a chef is that a cook follows the recipe and a chef experiments with the recipe. To me, grilled cheese […]