When I was growing up, we celebrated Christmas with, among other things, stockings hung by the chimney with care. While I have a hard time remembering what all was in those stockings, […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Zesty Italian Dressing
If you’ve visited us this month at an indoor farmers’ market or holiday show around Iowa, then you probably know about our brand new infused vinegar featuring jalapenos grown in our garden. […]
Pizza for Breakfast
Pizza eggs are super easy and super tasty. They are basically eggs smothered in cheese and marinara. In other words, they are an amazing way to spice up breakfast. They are also […]
In Mint Condition
Mint is what we call a whole genus of plants (the Mentha genus) found within the Lamiaceae family. In fact, the Lamiaceae family, which also includes the classic herbs basil, rosemary, […]
Portraits of Calendula Soap
Calendula has the distinct honor of being the first herbal soap that we mixed up for Pickle Creek. Actually, it was the first soap we mixed up, period. Our soap […]
Portraits of Aloe Soap
Aloe was the third soap to join our market table (closely following Peppermint and Calendula). It’s been on our roster since 2006, the first year of Pickle Creek Herbs and […]